Belize: Day 3 (Wednesday)

It was very calm when I woke up to watch the sun rise over the jungle, with the howler monkeys and all the amazing sounds and sights of the day unfolding.  So far, none of the students have joined me to watch this spectacle…maybe 5 am is a bit early for 14 year olds?…Anthony, do you remember this scene?

Anyways, I am sure they will try one of these mornings!!  Breakfast consisted of pancakes and fruit, pineapple, papaya, oranges and bananas.  It was then off to pre-school and elementary school for another day of helping out.  For the pre-school, it was sports day, where we played outside, flying kites, having fun with water balloons, as well as songs and other games.  The students were very helpful to Erminda Pop, the pre-school teacher.  To run a sports day outside with 50 five-year olds requires a significant effort! She really appreciated having our team with her!

The rest of our team helped in the elementary school, from helping to correct some tests (thanks Ryan!) to supervising or working alongside the teachers in the classes. The teachers were all very excited about the books that they received yesterday.  Especially the younger classes, where they really appreciated having brand new books for their students. During free time in the afternoon, I passed by six of the older students on the steps of the school, each of them had a new book in hand! The day ended with a soccer tournament with all of the elementary students participating!  What a sight to see so many competitors!

We then headed to the church where Lazarus and Alicia are the youth leaders. We shared some songs and presented one of our skits.  We also played some games with them.  We will be spending the day with them all again tomorrow. The day ended with devos and journaling time.

Below are comments from more of the students.  I will post these comments and then try again to post pictures.

Blessings to you all!


Samuel: Hello everyone, today was our 2nd day at the school and our last. I ended up connecting very well with a lot of the children and had a lot of fun which made it really hard to leave them, today I had spent the day with 5-6 year olds, it started off pretty quiet and easy and ended with them charging at me to leave. The Pop family has been treating us very well making it a very enjoyable stay.  I would say it has been a pretty good trip so far. Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers I miss and love you all God bless.

Tiana: Today, we visited the Armenian government school, as we did yesterday. The girls helped out at the preschool, while the boys taught in certain of the elementary classrooms. We sang, played and drew for the majority of the day. Contrary to my previous belief, the children in the preschool were an absolute delight to teach. I see a massive difference in the behaviour and attitude of the children here, and in Montreal. When I look at the Belizian children, I see big-hearted kids who have enormous respect for others, and who have no trouble loving one another. The kids listened to our instructions attentively and followed them accordingly. I think I speak for everyone when I say that these first two days of our mission trip were absolutely incredible.

Chloé : La première journée au Belize était très mouvementée. Le trajet d’avion a pris plus de temps que je le pensais. Toutefois quand nous sommes arrivés, nous avons eu tout un choc culturel. Le mode de vie ici semble beaucoup plus simple et les personnes semblent être plus heureux. Le paysage est très vaste et dégagé et pour le moment je n’ai vue aucun gratte-ciel. Hier et aujourd’hui, nous avons enseigné dans une école primaire et dans une garderie. De plus, on se lave dans une rivière, ce qui est très différent mais aussi très amusant. Nous avons aussi rencontré le groupe de jeunesse d’une église et nous avons joué des jeux d’introduction. C’était probablement le moment que j’ai le plus aimé car nous avons eu l’opportunité de parler avec des personnes notre âge. Je prie que Dieu continuera de nous aider à réellement toucher des cœurs dans la communauté d’Armenia. PS- Allo maman, papa et Inès j’espère que vous n’êtes pas trop triste sans moi. Je vous aime, à la prochaine.

Sarah: The past few days in Belize have been truly wonderful. We’ve experienced so many unforgettable moments with each other. I really enjoyed helping out at Armenia Government School. We’ve met so many sweet, energetic and big hearted children that we connected with instantly. We had the opportunity to teach them in class and play with them outside. At the end of the day we would be really tired so going to the river was really refreshing. Also, the food here is really great. I’m so grateful that I have the opportunity to meet and connect with all these amazing people in Belize.

Ryan: Hi guys I miss you, I’m doing really well. It’s amazing here, a tropical paradise. The plane ride was actually pretty long, I was surprised. The house where we are staying in is great and we settled ourselves in. It’s SO HOT were spending the whole day sweating until we go to the river around sunset, the river is actually super clean and clear. (funny story: on Tuesday when we went in I wasn’t paying attention and the current slowly pushed my shampoo bottle and I spent the next 10 minutes chasing it.) The food is great, their cooking is amazing here (don’t worry mom I still miss and love your cooking). The culture shock still boggles me. The first day I already learned to appreciate so much. For these past days we’ve been at the school helping out. Joanna and I have been working our butts off helping as much as we can. We’ve corrected probably hundreds of papers and given prizes out and read with the kids. I love you guys, talk soon. Love, Ryan

Belize: Day 2 (Tuesday)

(posted on Day 3…)

Today we started the day with a breakfast of fried jack, beans and eggs, accompanied by fresh fruit.  All the students are doing well, eating well, and adjusting to the heat and surroundings.  After breakfast, we headed into the village where several of the students helped in the Elementary school and several helped at the Pre-school.

In the Elementary school, students helped in the classrooms, some of them assisting the teachers by correcting tests, reading or helping in some subjects.  We presented all the books that the Emmanuel Elementary school had donated for this mission trip to the Vice-Principal and the school.  They were very encouraged by the generosity of the Emmanuel students!  In the pre-school, it was a special day for the students – it was cultural day!  We got to see many of the traditional dress of the various cultures that are present in Belize.  We have included some pictures below.  All of the mothers of the children were there, so they gave us permission to take pictures of their kids all dressed up!  Our students played some games, sang songs and danced with all the children!

At the end of a very hot day in school, we spent some time at the river, washing up and cooling down.  The river is very peaceful, surrounded by the jungle trees, and the students really appreciate it!

We then met with some of the youth group from the church.  Lazarus and Alicia are the new youth leaders at their church, so we will be able to partner and connect with the youth who attend this church over the coming days.

We were back at the base for supper, which consisted of BBQ chicken with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables.  Everyone enjoyed the food!

In the evening, we started our devotion series called ‘Fan or Follower’.  We will be working through a lot of questions regarding the differences between being a ‘fan’ of Jesus, or being a ‘follower’ of Jesus.

This is an overview of our day, and I will try to post each day about our activities.  The first day was quite busy, as we had to organize all the books and activities.  All the students are doing very well, and are adjusting well to life in the jungle! Everyone is healthy!

I will have students posting some of their thoughts and comments over the coming days.  Some of them are below, the others will be adding over the next days.  Please feel free to comment, as we share the comments with the group each morning.

Blessings to you all!


PS – I cannot seem to upload photos on the blog.  I will try again later.


Joseph:  It was a very fun learning experience to be with the children. I learned how to act around the kids and how to treat them with kindness. I really liked helping the people in the school.

Talitha: You’re right mom, I never realized how much I can give until the time comes. Today while we were eating I went over to a kid sitting on a table alone and we talked. Sam came over and after a while he asked where his lunch was and the kid was very shy and weird about the question. Then we understood he had no food. So, I told him I have a surprise. I came over and gave him a full meal replacement bar. He looked at me with teary eyes. I was going to eat one too but he asked to have it too. I gave it he smelled it and said he had to save the rest. I said no you don’t and for some reason I gave all the bars I had!! Later on, walking to his class he told me now my family can eat. His eyes had tears and so did mine. Miss ya mom and dad.

Kiara: Hello family and others, I had a GREAT 2 days so far. Bathing in the river is actual WAY more fun than I thought, seeing some peoples living conditions makes me feel much more blessed. It is so hot, I am dying and sweating like crazy J but it’s a good break from snow and the cold.


Richard: Hello everyone, so far, it’s been a great trip getting to meet the kids of Armenia has been the highlight, seeing how they make and see the best in everything is something that I feel will have a huge impact on my life. And I look forward to rest of this trip. God bless everyone and take care.


Day 1: Arrived safely on the base in Armenia, Belize

Good evening parents, family and friends!  We have all arrived safely at the base, have had a chance to swim in the river and be refreshed, and we are now about to have dinner and an introduction to the ministry.  I will include photos in our next posts, as we are trying to get organized and set up.  All the logistics went well, and the students were all able to sleep a bit on the plane!

Blessings from Belize!

Last day of preparations…


This is the team of Grade 9 students who will all be involved in missions for the next 10 days, with a team heading to Belize and another team serving in Montreal.

And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)

We will be posting daily on this blog, so keep us tuned in!

A new journey begins…Belize 2018

Youth Unlimited/Youth for Christ has been leading the missions program at Emmanuel since 2015. This partnership has allowed for a focus on both serving others as well as leadership development of Emmanuel students. Secondary 3 students have been participating on mission trips since 2010, and the program is now completely integrated into the curriculum.  Intentional teaching and learning about God’s purpose is shared in and out of the classroom.  The program gives opportunities for students to discover or deepen their faith, and then to put it into practice.
